Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Some More "Turtle Power"

So I've been in this little groove right now of wanting to start drawing again. It's a wave I'll ride in for a little while before I get distracted with something else. Last night was another one of those nights where I felt like sketching but didn't know what to sketch. The Ninja Turtles were the theme this past weekend, mine as well carry it through into the week right? Below is Raphael screaming and what looks like something violent. At what, I have no idea. Maybe a Triceraton just off the page? Either way, he looks pissed. There are a couple changes that need to be made... mostly in his right fist. It just seems too small compared to the other one. His sai needs a little revamping too, it doesn't look too symmetrical does it?

Raphael showing some aggression.

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