Wednesday, November 12, 2008

From the Vault #6: John Lennon

Here's another blast from the past. This ink/colored pencil combo was done in either late 2004 or early 2005. It was cold out, that's all I really remember. This John Lennon piece was initially done as a test to just hone my skills a little bit more with colored pencil (still my favorite medium besides the computer). It came out pretty good with some obvious tweaks that would need to be made: his wonked glasses, cigarette positioning and his ginormous sausage fingers on his right hand. Overall I do like how the coloration came out on this guy. At one point I wanted to make prints of this to sell but in the end deemed it not strong enough. My problem is I always think to big, not so much in grandiose ideas but more so in size. I planned to do this as a 16x20 inch (or thereabouts). In retrospect these would probably have made pretty kick-ass 5x7 or 5x8's.

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