Saturday, November 1, 2008

From the Vault #5: Sid and I

Sorry for the long layover everyone. Between being sick and the Presidential Elections upon us it's been quite a busy and draining week. Anyways, on to more pressing matters: more openage of the vault! Everyone loves a good piece from the vault, and today is no slouch. It's not too incredibly old with it being drawn at the end of 2006. I don't ever remember sketching this... in fact I don't even know what I'm supposed to be holding. Maybe an EMF detector of some kind? Whatever is going on off the picture it definitely has the attention of myself and Sid, my trusty alligator companion. Could it be Mike Bray in the shower? Some scary demon? Keanu Reeves in an acting class?

The more I look at this, the more I wish I finished it. With the flashlight it looks like it would've been an evening or night scene so maybe I got discouraged about trying to get all the shadows and the reflective light correct... who knows?


Anonymous said...

Most likely. Most likely.

Anonymous said...

You commit an error. I suggest it to discuss. Write to me in PM.