Friday, November 14, 2008

Today's Blog is Sponsored by the Letter A

This is technically an episode from "From the Vault," but personally for me, it's too cool. Back in 2005, the now defunct Palisades Toys contacted me about making some 3-D turnaround renders of the Sesame Street letters. These action figures would be geared more for adults, or really, really nostalgic kids. This was one line I was really excited to get into. I kind of started with the Muppet line at the tail end of the madness, missing out on a lot of key figures. With the Sesame Street line I was pretty much guaranteed to be working with characters like Cookie Monster, Ernie, Bert, etc... The Letter A was slated to be packaged with Guy Smiley (I think). In the end, only one Sesame Street character saw the light of day and that was Super Grover. The rest of Series 1 made it into production and got to the final stages before Palisades turned out the lights. Ah, what could've been!


blogzilly said...

Always liked your work on the Muppets and SS.

Matt said...

I'll be honest with ya' dude... I miss it. It was a great time.