Monday, November 10, 2008

Welcome Back

You know those weeks where it just keeps coming at you? Last week was one of those weeks. Monday and Tuesday were crazy election days, racking up 26 1/2 hours of work ( 16 1/2 on Tuesday) between them. Wednesday was the post-election hangover. The newsroom really did look like a room filled with people nursing bar induced headaches. In a pinch of bliss, I was glad I wasn't the only one feeling that way. Thursday was one of those non-days. The kind where you just kind of walk around and small talk with people about pretty much nothing, "So, did you catch Ghost Hunters last night? I know, crazy right!?" Friday was a glorious half day where I started feeling under the weather as I walked through the front doors to head home. Last but not least, Saturday and Sunday: These days were lost to a nasty virus that infiltrated my system (probably from exhausting myself from the Presidential Election). See, Barack Obama is already up to no good. He already got me sick. He didn't even call to apologize. Sure, Nancy Reagan gets a phone call when he makes fun of her seances, but nooooo let's not call Malette. Way to go Barack. Anyways, this week we should be pretty much back on track, unless I get sick again.

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