Monday, October 6, 2008

Welcome Aboard Mates!

Everyone else was doing it so why not, right? This is the first in hopefully a long line of blogs I will be posting here. People always say to me "Hey, you're cool. We want to read about your life, maybe you should start one of those internet blog things." And I say, "You know, you're right. Maybe I will!" ...well, that's what I envision they'd say if I ever left my home and spoke to people. So feel welcome, get quasi-cozy and check back often.

Earlier today I noticed that "Empire Magazine" printed the "500 Greatest Films of All Time." Interesting concept. Five-hundred, that's a lot. Wait to you see their choices. I'm sure I'll be ranting about that real soon... like tomorrow. If you want a head start the link can be found here. Please, make sure you have a garbage can real close to your computer as it may induce vomiting or dry heaving. This list proves that even 19-year-old janitorial interns can be dubbed "key film critics." There is hope for all of us!

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